

Complaint Policy and Takedown Procedures We are committed to resolving complaints fairly and promptly. If you have a complaint regarding any content on our platform or believe content to be illegal or non-consensual, you can file a complaint as outlined below: Reporting a Complaint For copyright-related takedown requests, please use our dedicated DMCA page. Upon receipt of a complaint: We will disable the content in question pending further investigation. If the broadcaster challenges the takedown request, we will ask for supporting documentation to demonstrate compliance with intellectual property rights. Complaint Resolution Upon receiving a complaint, we will: Review and take appropriate steps within 7 business days. Request additional information if needed. Investigate the complaint and take one of the following actions: If the content is deemed unlawful or non-consensual, it will be removed immediately, and you will be notified. If the content is deemed lawful or consensual, you will be notified of our decision. Dispute Resolution Any disputes regarding our decision on non-consensual content will be submitted to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.


Here at XXXArcade, we strive to bring our customers the best mobile content and lifestyle services available, with custom loyalty scheme to give rewards.

Idem Negotium Limited

Timis, 11, Flat 302, Latsia 2220, Nicosia, Cyprus

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